Central module for building RESTful web services.
<static> createApplication( [options])
Create application the represents the web service. The application must be configured before it's run and starts responding to the incoming requests.
Name Type Argument Description options
module:x2node-ws~ApplicationOptions <optional>
Application configuration options. Returns:
The application. -
<static> createResponse(statusCode)
Create new empty response object.
Name Type Description statusCode
number HTTP response status code. Returns:
Service response object. -
<static> isResponse(obj)
Tell if the provided object is response object (that is an instance of ServiceResponse).
Name Type Description obj
* Object to test. Returns:
if response object.- Type
- boolean
Simple binary to string deserializer function implementation for use with handler
Type Definitions
Application configuration options.
- Object
Name Type Description apiVersion
string Version of the API exposed by the application. If not specified, NODE_ENV
environment variable is examined. If its value is "development", the version is set to the current timestamp so that it changes each time the application is restarted. Otherwise, the version is read from the main module'spackage.json
number Timeout in milliseconds for inactivity on the HTTP connection when activity is expected from the client. If the timeout occurs before the server starts sending the response, a 408 (Request Timeout) response is sent and the connection is closed. If timeout happens after the response headers have been sent, the connection is quitely closed. The default is 30 seconds. maxRequestHeadersCount
number Maximum allowed number of incoming HTTP request headers. The default is 50. maxRequestSize
number Maximum allowed size of request payload in bytes. The default is 2048. allowedOrigins
string | Array.<string> List (comma-separated string or an array) of allowed CORS origins. If not provided, the default is to allow any origin. corsPreflightMaxAge
number Maximum age in seconds for caching CORS preflight responses on the client. The default is 20 days.